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Showing posts from January, 2017

Preparing for Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Anthony Perrone, MD, joined Maine General Medical Center as a plastic surgeon in 2014. He now serves as chief of plastic surgery. In this position, Dr. Anthony Perrone works with patients in various areas of plastic surgery, including breast reconstruction. As is the case with any surgery, there are a number of steps individuals can take in the hours and days leading up to a breast reconstruction surgery in order to help optimize their experience. While preparations will vary from patient to patient and should be discussed at length with the plastic surgeon in charge of the procedure, there are a number of basic precautions and measures all patients should take. To begin, any person who regularly uses tobacco products should cease doing so in the days and weeks prior to surgery. Surgeons, like all medical professionals, will advise patients to quit for good, but will stress the importance of not smoking immediately before surgery. Similarly, surgeons should provide a lists of foods